Solstice: Returning to Ritual

JOIN THE LIVE ZOOM SERVICE by clicking this link: HUUF Sunday Service, Meeting ID: 975 6943 4846

Learn to pause and incorporate ritual in our daily lives. We will be using earth-centered practices to release negative energies from our body, mind and spirit. An uplifting drum circle will conclude the service.

This Service was not recorded, however there are clips of the videos locally made on the page below

Solstice – CLICK ME



Solstice – Returning to Ritual 

December 20th , 2020 

Gathering Music

Welcome and Introductions ………………….……………… Scarlett Trippsmith

Chalice, Bell and Aspiration…………………………………………….Berti Welty

Joys Sorrows & Celebrations …………………………………………. Debi Cooper

What is casting a circle? ………………………………………….……… Debi Cooper

Calling the Directions – Video

Heart Breath Meditation – Video

Song ‘Deep Deep’ ………………………………………..………….… Donna Wildearth

Solstice Soul Search ………………………………………….………  Debi Cooper

Cleansing ritual …………………………………………………………  Debi Cooper

Drums and Chant …………………… Elisabeth Harrington & Steven Kossow


Releasing Ritual – Video

Book of the Dead reading – Video

Song ‘Here Comes the Sun’ …………..………………………..…. Bob Billstrom.

Closing the Circle- video

Go from Here in Peace…………………………………………….… Scarlett Trippsmith