Speaker: Rev. Bryan Jessup

Justice on Earth

What do environmental concerns, white supremacy, economic injustice and homophobia have in common? They are all forms of making the Earth and certain people “other,” rather than anything that should have our love and care. All these forms of oppression are interlinked. This Sunday we will start the new year with thoughts about dismantling all … Continue reading Justice on Earth

Christmas Eve Candlelight Service

This will be a service of music, mystery and magic. The old story of Christmas will be told. Out of the darkness, light will come forth. And many tired old hearts will be softened and re-opened to the simple joy of being alive.

Wisdom of Winter

Unitarian Universalists, along with many other people, most frequently find renewal for their spirit in the natural world. Taking walks in the spring, summer and fall is not uncommon. But winter is an equally beautiful and necessary time in the natural world. In this time of winter solstice, we have an opportunity to discover what … Continue reading Wisdom of Winter