~ A Call to Connection ~
- Reflection
- Religious Exploration Corner
- Fellowship Engagement Opportunities
- Climate Action Campaign
- Caring Connection
- Fellowship Happenings
- Buddhist Community Sharing
- Staff Office Hours
To the Beloved Community,
I know of late this virtual space has been one of conflict. So, I wanted to take this opportunity to reclaim it as an avenue for healing, for being in right relationship to one another to our felt sense of the Sacred. As a space for blessing.
These words below come from Jan Richardson, in her book, “The Cure for Sorrow: A Book of Blessings for Times of Grief”. The author penned this work at a time of deep personal loss as a way to alchemize her own grief. May they, in turn, show us the transformation that is possible inside of difficulty. May they orient our hearts once more toward what could be, rather than despairing at what has passed .
in grace & gratitude,
Amy Day (she/her)
Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration, HUUF
~by Jan Richardson~
I know how long
you have been waiting
for your story to take
a different turn,
how far
you have gone in search
of what will mend you
and make you whole.
I bear no remedy,
no cure,
no miracle
for the easing
of your pain.
But I know
the medicine
that lives in a story
that has been
broken open.
I know
the healing that comes
in ceasing
to hide ourselves away
with fingers clutched
around the fragments
we think are
none but ours.
See how they fit together,
these shards
we have been carrying –
how in their meeting
they make a way
we could not
find alone.
Magic Mondays!!!
May 2 – 24, 3-5 pm
in the Care Building classroom
For those haven’t had the privilege yet, Debbi Kallish is a lifelong artist who has spent extensive time and training in the land of youth and education. She has a passion for child-centered, curiosity-driven learning and play-based exploration.
For the month of May, she will be hosting a small group creative space for youth ages 5-12. Parents are welcome to accompany their kiddo, or drop off as need be. Children can expect to work with a variety of mediums – from paper to wire to natural materials, paint, etc. Depending on the interests and skills inside the group, the curriculum will flow according to their wants and needs.
Also included in this donation-based offering will be an accompanying story time and snack. Drop-ins welcome, but we would ask that you pre-register your interest with us ahead of time if you would like to participate.
SIGN UP to participate in the magic!
Contact Amy for additional information or needs:
Let Service Be Our Prayer
Social Action Sunday with CUNA
Join DLRE, Amy Day
Sunday, May 22nd at 11 am.
For our monthly in-person Social Action Sunday effort we will partner with members of Community United of North Arcata (CUNA) in their monthly park and street cleanup at Carlson Park in Valley West. This will be an excellent chance to witness our seventh principle in action, “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part,” as we seek to reclaim the commons as a space for mutual benefit and well-being.
Zoom participants will be treated to an offering presented by the UUA, and Rev. Erika Hewitt, who have come together to create a rich service on the topic of Covenant, entitled, “Woven in a Single Garment of Destiny“. There will be time for post-service discussion and virtual coffee hour following the livestream.
*This service will be offered in person & on Zoom
Sign up HERE to participate in the clean up at Carlson Park
or Join us on Zoom
Poets Back by Popular Demand
Join Pat McCutcheon & Members of the Poetry Group
Sunday, May 29th at 11 am.
By popular demand, Humboldt’s Fellowship Poets will return for a third close encounter with fans and with friends. We are told that the limelight becomes us, but only you, beloved audience, can verify that claim. Come! Listen! Behold! Snap those fine fingers and wrinkle that nose.
*This service will be offered on Zoom only due to increases Covid safety concerns
Join us on Zoom
Room to Wri te
We have 8 sessions left of our twice-weekly Co-Writing space before we take a break for the summer!
Mondays & Fridays 11-12:30, May 20-June 13, on Zoom in this drop-in friendly space designed to carve out time and gentle accountability for you to show up to the healing and generative space of the page! We start with a brief grounding and check-in, then mute ourselves for a solid hour of solo writing time, followed by a small group reflection at the end. Whether you journal, write poems or prose, or have a larger project you’re working on, we invite you!
Join “Tales of the Transrational” on June 4!
In May’s newsletter I described a Fellowship Engagement program, “Tales of the Transrational,” to be held on Saturday, June 4. It’s a chance to share examples of transrational (or transcendent, or mystical) experiences in our lives, and reflect on what they’ve meant to us. Or if you haven’t had such an experience (or aren’t sure) but are curious, to hear from others about theirs.
I also said that gathering in person would be subject to Covid conditions at the time. And since overall cases have risen again, and one HUUF family and a staff member recently contracted the virus, this will now be a strictly Zoom affair.
If held in person it was going to run from 2-5pm with a lengthy halfway break. But that’s a long time to be on Zoom, so it will still begin at 2pm but now run until 4pm instead. (Though depending on the number of participants and the overall energy it could go a little shorter or longer.)
Please register here, and I look forward to hearing your stories! ~ Rev Peter Farriday
 Relative to the auditor-controller position last week, CAC was presented with another opinion besides the one presented by Pat Carr. CAC and HUUF remind everyone that these alternative opinions are the personal views of Tracy Jordan French, Eric Kirk, and Kate McClain, and are not endorsements by the CAC or HUUF. Tracy Jordan French, Eric Kirk, and Kate McClain support Karen Paz Dominguez bid for re-election as auditor – controller.
Tracy Jordan French’s comments follow-
My sense, at this point, is that Paz Dominguez has been diligently, methodically reconciling the books while being hamstrung by county staff who are resistant to her introduction of new technology. She has been under-sourced financially and had inadequate and under-trained staff. The current systems in place are inefficient and create logjams.
The biggest complaint against her personally seems to be that she isn’t as friendly as the opponent. See the Times-Standard endorsement of Dillingham. I’ve been impressed with how Paz Dominguez has shown tremendous fortitude in giving brutally honest public reports to the Board of Supervisors.
I see the strength and courage required to speak truth to power and I applaud her for that. Paz Dominguez seems to be well-respected in her profession and has the endorsement of many of her colleagues throughout California.
Last night the two candidates participated in a League of Women Voters candidate forum and I began to watch from an undecided position. Dillingham did not “perform” well within the format and I had to stop watching as it was becoming painful to watch.With so much unprecedented change in county government during the last four years I’m beginning to think that now is not a good time to change this office holder.Lastly, wasn’t it Paz Dominguez who discovered 28 million dollars that still hasn’t been accounted for? Tracking paper trails is tedious work. If I’ve got any of this wrong please set me straight.
Kate McClain endorses the positions of Jordan French and Kirk.
May is Bike Month!
Everyone is invited to the Bicycle Celebration, organized by CAC member Bruce Maxwell, this Saturday 5/21 at the Jefferson Community Center in Eureka, 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The Coalition for Responsible Transportation Priorities will have a demonstration of how to put a bike on a bus, and much more! (See
Bruce will be organizing Bicycle Powered Music. If you find that particularly intriguing, please stop by — or contact Bruce in advance, or 707.280.7426.
If you live in Arcata, consider joining the mass bike ride from Arcata to the event, leaving the Plaza at 10. It will be an easy pace — quite safe going south, but it’s a bit trickier going north. (The organizers are keeping it safe going north by leaving 101 and using Indianola and Old Arcata Rds.)
Happy Bike Month!!
 The Pastoral Counseling Team is here to help with pastoral support as part the Fellowship’s shared ministry. With Peter’s departure the team will be Suzanne Kimmel, Tom Lewis, myself, Shawn Nichols, and our administrator, Bridgette Garuti, providing coordination. Over the summer Suzanne will be traveling. Tom has his hands full with several ongoing counseling and ministering responsibilities as well as other charitable projects. So I will be the primary source. If you wish to contact me, please contact Bridgette. A meeting can be set at the Fellowship or where ever it is needed, or by phone if that is preferable. More about the services we offer later. For now the Fellowship’s ministry is open for business.
Fellowship Happenings

- Coming up THIS SATURDAY!: May 21 -Listen to the Birds While Beautifying Our Grounds-The Grounds Committee invites you to enjoy the spring songs of our feathered friends while we water, mulch the beds, lop up Himalayan blackberries and dig up pesky weeds on Saturday, May 21, 10 am to 1 pm. ~ Thanks from your grounds committee
- HUUF Board Opportunities: HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition following the pandemic and offers opportunities to members who want to be a part of making growth happen.
Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in July. Please contact me for more information. Sylvia Shaw, 707-599-1563,
- Giving is Easy! Please help with our upcoming fiscal budget planning by registering your pledge promise. Access an online pledge form HERE
Buddhist Community Sharing
Buddhist teacher Tara Brach shares her mindful approach on dealing with conflict
OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:30 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.
DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday
TECH – Scarlett Tripsmith, available by email
MINISTER – Peter Farriday, : Open hours on campus: Tuesdays from 11am – 1pm and Wednesdays from 1:30 – 4:30.
General availability: 11:30am – 6pm M-F when he doesn’t speak that coming Sunday; or M-Th 11:30am – 6pm on weeks he does.