The Weekly 8/19/2022

“A dream you dream alone is only a dream.
A dream you dream together is reality.” 

~ John Lennon


  • HUUF Leadership Opportunities
  • Lifespan Religious Exploration
  • Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements
  • Climate Action Campaign
  • Caring Connection
  • Fellowship Happenings
  • Community Bulletin
  • Staff Office Hours

HUUF Leadership Opportunities

Join the HUUF Leadership Team

Three board opportunities are currently available for service starting in September.
HUUF’s Board will be an integral part of our transition and growth.
This is an amazing opportunity for HUUF members to help guide our beloved organization while upholding the values that we represent. 

Collaborating and learning while deepening Fellowship relationships is a spiritual practice. 

Please contact Sylvia Shaw for more information: 707-599-1563,


Another Volunteer Opportunity

We are searching for a champion with the time, bandwidth, and/or experience to chair our new HR committee. 

If you would like to take on this role or take part in this wonderful opportunity please contact Cassie Brillbeck @

Lifespan Religious Exploration

Read any good books lately???

Our annual “Book Talk” service is taking place on Sunday, August 28!  And we’d love to hear some literary recommendations from…. our kids!!! If your youth has a book they’d love to share, we invite you to come share a little bit about it at the beginning of the service before we move into our own RE classroom.  This is another way we forge connection across the generations. If your child would like to participate – either solo, or sitting down to chat 1:1, “interview” style for a brief portion of the service, please contact Amy to find out more.

Sunday Services & Fellowship Engagements 

 The Future of worship III 

Sunday, August 21st at 11 am at HUUF

Worship Leaders: The Program and Worship Team

The final discussion in our exploration of the Future of Worship will ask:

What elements of worship are essential? and What innovations could we create together that would advance the Future of Worship?


The discussion questions that will be contemplated are: 

Looking at the Order of Service that has evolved as a regular Sunday service, what do you think is the purpose of these components? 
    a. What is most essential?
b. How would you change it to make it more lively or meaningful?
Picture/imagine yourself up front doing part of a Sunday service?
    a. What are you doing?
    b. What would that feel like as you interact with the congregation?
If you offered / or were invited to orchestrate a Sunday morning service, how would you set it all up: arrange the setting, choose the speakers, etc. to create the energy and experience you would like to provide the congregation?
Join us in person (no prior sign up needed)

OR… Join us on ZOOM

The Ministry of Welcoming

We are happy to again be able to safely and regularly meet in person.  As with most good things, it “takes a village” to do it well.  As our Program & Worship team continues to craft meaningful and heartfelt sacred experiences for us to enjoy, we ask that those of you who can – please, sign up to help with some of the nuts-and-bolts of Sundays.  

You can help us create an easeful and welcoming atmosphere by signing up for one or more of the following….

Pre-Service Greeter (2) ___________________    Sign Up HERE 
Pre-Service Chair/Canopy Set up (3) ________   Sign Up HERE 
Coffee Set Up (2) ________________________    Sign Up HERE 
Post -Service Cup Washers(2) _____________    Sign Up HERE 
Bring Flowers  __________________________    Sign Up HERE 

Engage with Yoga at HUUF!

Beginning Monday, August 22, 5:30-6:30 pm, friend of the Fellowship, Jamie Kessloff, will be offering:
Toning Our Temple, an outdoor yoga class for all levels. Jamie brings 16 years teaching experience as a yoga instructor & healing arts practitioner. Her training focuses on therapeutic alignment and connecting to one’s brightness from within.
* Accessible for all bodies.
(Instruction will be given in standing pose. Those who may need  to do the practice from a chair can modify )

Beginning   Monday, August 29, 5:30-6:30 pm In a separate space,  our Childcare Coordinator, Jessalyn DeLucchi, whose background is in children’s movement and mindfulness, will be offering yoga for our youngsters
Bring yourself! Bring your kiddo!  Your Auntie, neighbor….Donations will be gladly accepted for this open 6-week series.
But no one will be turned away for lack of funds.  

Contact Amy for more info. 

Soul Matters begins!

Together we are a web of support and connection.
Companions traveling a new journey together each month.
Soul Matters is a program offered to UU’s nationwide. If you have been looking to join a small group of committed seekers, now is a great chance to begin. To learn more and find out ways to join a small, committed circle of your own, there are a few ways to connect:

1) For those who would prefer to meet in person, DLRE Amy Day will be hosting a Soul Matters “Open House” Q&A, as a way to get acquainted with the materials and format of the group, on Sunday, August 21, 1-3 pm at HUUF. Please, RSVP if you would like to attend.2) For those who prefer to participate virtually, Amy will be hosting a separate Q&A via Zoom, Wednesday, August 24, 7-8 pm.  You can sign up to attend that gathering using the link here.

3) On Saturday, August 20, 10-12, Amy will be offering a separate Soul Matters group specifically geared to support the needs and foster community for the single parents in our Fellowship.  We’ll gather outside, share tea, and spend some time connecting and finding ways to support one another on this unique path.


Click HERE to access all Fellowship Engagement listings





Climate Action Campaign

Attend CAC’s Monthly Meeting!

HUUF’s Climate Action Campaign seeks to inform and educate about critical climate crisis issues that affect our local area and beyond. We look for actions that we, as individuals and as a congregation, can take to mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate crisis.
Join their monthly meeting THIS  Sunday, 8/21 at 1pm on ZOOM 
All are welcome 

(CAC will resume their regular schedule of meeting on the second Sunday of the month in September- plan to attend on September 11  )

Caring Connection

Celebrating the Life of Ursula Osborne
~ You are invited ~

Join Family, Friends and fellow HUUF Members

2 P.M. Saturday, August 27th 
at the Fellowship

We will celebrate Beloved member, Ursula Osborne.

The service will be followed by the sharing of light refreshments as we share memories and remember Ursula

Fellowship Happenings

  • Help Us Nurture Our Environment and Keep Our Grounds Beautiful! Saturday August 20:If you have an interest in helping the environment, and also improving your gardening skills, you’re in luck. We are dedicated to beautifying HUUF’s grounds using the native plants so vital to the health of our local ecosystem. Please join us any time on Saturday, August 20, between 10am and 1pm. We will be weeding as usual, and preparing areas for planting in the fall, watered by the rain (fingers crossed!). ~thanks from your Grounds Committee


  • Next Newsletter Deadline August 20: The HUUF monthly Newsletter staff have changed — Steve Sottong is moving onto other things after years of dedicated service producing HUUF’s newsletter. Thanks, Steve! Pat Carr will now edit the newsletter while JoAnn Huffman will design and produce it. But other things haven’t changed. The newsletter takes the month of August off and returns in September. If you have an article you’d like to run, or want to buy space for a classified ad, send your text to no later than August 20. Check out the submission guidelines at
  • Blosser Family Still in Need: Do you have a place you’re willing to rent (even a camper or the like on your property)? Do you have a car you’re looking to part with and willing to take payments on? Know of any cleaner/janitor/custodian jobs or landscaping/yard work jobs? Please reach out to Marshal Blosser if you can help:
  • Pet sitter Wanted for Thanksgiving Week
    Allison and Bob Bronkall are looking for a pet sitter to live at their house in Eureka from November 21 through 25, taking care of their small active dog, three indoor birds, flock of chickens and an outdoor cat. Besides pay, the added bonus is the beautiful setting in which wildlife viewing abounds! Please call 707-268-8767 or



Community Bulletin


Thursday August 25th is the next Free Produce Market at the Bayshore Mall and Food for People needs volunteers!

Participants show up at 10:00 am to set up and prep. The line opens at 11:00 am and then we load cars until 1:00 pm. 

If you want to do a 2 hour shift, please let Julie Ryan, Volunteer Coordinator, know if you prefer  10:00 to 12:00 or 11:00 to 1:00.

With your help, 1200 people get a boost of fruits, veggies, and essentials and that does more than feed people, it alleviates stress and gives them hope.

It’s a fast paced 2-3 hours and its a lot of fun! Thank you for lifting up the community one distribution at a time!

Julie Ryan, Volunteer & Direct Services Manager

Food for People
(707) 445-3166 x310

Bayside Corners invites you to join the Bayside Bazaar & Community Yard Sale
Saturday August 27!

 2 ways that Bayside residents can participate:

1. We will give you a Bayside yard sale sign and mark your location on the Bayside Yard Sale map. For printed sign, map and promotion, the requested donation is $10. This is similar to North Coast Open Studios. Please share this email invitation with your Bayside friends and neighbors.

2. We will have outdoor tables and space for you in our central location at the Temperance Hall at the Corner of Old Arcata and Jacoby Creek Roads. This outdoor Bayside Bazaar will have Girl Scouts’ baked goods, tours of the 130-year old Temperance Hall, and great bargains for furniture, kitchen supplies, sports gear, and much more. The day before the sale, Friday, August 26, 4:00-7:00PM, you
can deliver your PRE-PRICED items. No clothes, please. The requested donation is $10.

To sign up:
Please sign up now for your location to be included in the Bayside Yard Sale Map and to receive your sign. The Map with all the Yard Sales will be finalized, posted on our website and Facebook, and a printed maps distributed on August 21 st .
You may sign up on our website,, by email at , or on our Facebook Event page. $10 can be paid on the website. Checks may also be mailed to Bayside Corners, P.O. Box 342, Bayside, CA 95524. When the Bayside Farmstead Café (new owner)
opens at the corner of Hyland St. & Old Arcata Rd., they will have a sign up sheet and accept the $10 on Thursday, Friday, Saturday 8AM-3PM.
Notify us by email at or call 707-826-2021 if you have questions or suggestions.

Donations from the Bayside Community Yard Sale will support the repair and restoration of Bayside’s first community center, the Temperance Hall, built in 1882.

Staff Contacts

OFFICE – Congregational Administrator, Bridgette Garuti, on campus: 9:30-4:00 Monday-Wednesday, available by email only on Thursdays.

DLRE – Amy Day, on campus: Tuesday and Thursday on vacation during the month of July

TECH – Anna Bressers,  available by email

CLICK HERE to Submit Items to the Weekly