Annual Pledging

Each Unitarian Universalist Church is solely responsible for funding its own programs and day-to day operations. Once a year in the spring we conduct our annual pledge drive with all members and friends. We ask that those who attend services or programs pledge or contribute to our fellowship. We have few resources of income other than our members and friends; therefore we truly need and expect the support of all newcomers as well as our regular congregation. To provide ongoing programs, we need to have predictable revenue. Our expenses for salaries, utilities and maintenance continue regardless of attendance. We cannot budget adequately based on fluctuating collection plate contributions and therefore a pledge is preferred to intermittent collection basket contributions.

Most members and friends contribute once each month, either by placing their check in the plate on Sunday, mailing their check to HUUF, or setting up automatic on-line payments. Some, however, prefer to contribute a lump sum to cover the entire year.

At HUUF we do not require a fixed pledge. However, when asked what an appropriate pledge would be, we use a rule of thumb of between 2% and 5% of household income. Since some of our members are either early or late in their earning careers, they contribute less. That means that others, who can, contribute more. One purpose of a spiritual community is to help those in more limited circumstances. Again, the Church Administrator can direct you to people who can explain this further.

Should a change occur in your financial status and you are unable to meet your pledge, it is possible to adjust your pledge during the fiscal year. We care about your situation, and will work with people who are having financial needs which affect their pledge.

On-line Pledge Form