Speaker: Berti Welty

Pluralism – How do we honor our diversity AND have common ground?

Printed on some of our country’s money is the motto “E Pluribus Unum” – meaning ‘Out of Many -One’. This Sunday we will explore the concept of Pluralism. We celebrate that while we as UUs have differing beliefs, backgrounds, ideologies, what holds us together in our diversity is a common purpose, shared principles for living, … Continue reading Pluralism – How do we honor our diversity AND have common ground?

May Love be at the Center of All We Do

Any healthy organization periodically examines their core values, mission etc. to keep them current with today’s society. The Unitarian Universalist Association is in the process of re-defining our core Principles. The proposal includes the list of Principles morphing into a core set of values, centered in Love. Through-out the summer, various Sunday services will include … Continue reading May Love be at the Center of All We Do

Alleviating Stress

While a little stress motivates us to accomplish things, we all know the pitfalls of too much stress in our lives. Few of us are so calm and centered that stress does not affect us in significant ways. While touching on the causes and effects of stress, the focus of this service will be the … Continue reading Alleviating Stress