Speaker: Berti Welty

Wholly Families: How has UU been relevant to you in these times?

Recording Link to last weeks service: 4-26-2020 Seven Friends Join us for this Live Zoom Service presented by Berti Welty: Our Humboldt Unitarian Universalist Fellowship family consists of many families of varying sizes and kinds. This service will feature several of these families as they reflect on the question: “How has this Fellowship and UU … Continue reading Wholly Families: How has UU been relevant to you in these times?

Miraculous Births from Around the World

We all know the Christmas story of Jesus’ birth. However, his is not the only story of a miraculous birth. Join us as we explore the birth stories of Buddha (Siddhartha), Confucius and several others.


Chalica is a unique Unitarian Universalist holiday that celebrates our guiding principles. During this seven-day holiday we light a candle each day for one of our principles, discuss and/or ponder its meaning and do some action to live out that principle. Come experience how each of the seven principles has a special meaning to individuals … Continue reading Chalica