Speaker: Rev. Bryan Jessup


As Halloween and the Fellowship’s Halloween Festival approach they offer people an opportunity to consider the role of imagination in human life. Often we get trapped in a narrow, materialistic mindset. Harry Potter author, J.K. Rowling points out that it’s pretty easy to become a “muggle” caught in meaningless repetitions. By opening to imagination, we … Continue reading Imagination!

Freedom, Reason and Tolerance on the Pathway of Faith, Hope and Love

The Unitarian Universalist way in religion offers a great deal of freedom. Guided by its seven principles, Unitarian Universalism allows for many different approaches, but if it is to be useful in people’s lives it demands something. It demands mindfulness, compassion and a serious engagement with the issues of life.

We are Building a New Way

Unitarian Universalism in the United States is relatively young as religions go. Both Unitarians and Universalists got their start in this country in the early 1800s, and since their associations joined together in 1961 their approach has continued to evolve. The point of Unitarian Universalism today is for each individual to learn to care for … Continue reading We are Building a New Way