June 11th- 17th

“Play builds the kind of free-and-easy, try-it-out, do-it-yourself  character, that our future needs” ~ James Hymes HUUF WEEKLY ~ A Call to Connection ~ INSIDE THIS WEEKLY MISSIVE Reflection  RE Corner  HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection HUUF Congregational Meeting HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday Virtual Green Sheet Community Bulletin ~To the Beloved Community,I had … Continue reading June 11th- 17th

June 4th – 10th

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” ~ George Bernard Shaw HUUF WEEKLY ~ A Call to Connection ~ INSIDE THIS WEEKLY MISSIVE Reflection  RE Corner HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection Climate Action Campaign News A Message from UUA President HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday Virtual … Continue reading June 4th – 10th

May 28th – June 4th, 2021

“A bird doesn’t sing because it has an answer, it sings because it has a song.” ~Maya Angelou HUUF WEEKLY ~ A Call to Connection ~ INSIDE THIS WEEKLY MISSIVE Reflection  RE Corner  HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection Climate Action Campaign News Caring Connection UU’s for a Just Economic Community Virtual Green Sheet ~To the … Continue reading May 28th – June 4th, 2021