Speaker: Berti Welty

Simple Gifts

HUUF minister emeritus, the Rev. Bryan Jessup will not be able to join us on this day, as planned, due to an emergency medical procedure. In his absence Berti Welty will lead a Service on Simple Gifts. In today’s stressful, chaotic society we get caught up in the do, do, doing.  Attend a meeting there.  … Continue reading Simple Gifts

Reimagining the 7 UU Principles – “Love is the power that holds us together:”

While this congregation has been reimagining ministry in these times, the larger Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations has begun discussing a proposal to transform the conceptual language of what we share as UU’s from shared Principles to shared Values. Whether raised a Unitarian Universalist, recently started exploring this ‘living tradition,’ or active participant, the proposed … Continue reading Reimagining the 7 UU Principles – “Love is the power that holds us together:”


Resistance has many definitions, one of which is “any force that tends to oppose or retard motion.” Berti Welty will lead this discussion-centered service which will focus on resistance of a personal nature. Questions to be discussed will address the ways in which resistance inhibits a person from reaching their full potential.  Join us in … Continue reading Resistance