Speaker: Berti Welty

From the UU Hysterical Society: Our final Zoom-only offering for 2021!

This streamed service will put the medicinal element of humor at the forefront with funny stories of lions and cross-cultural misunderstandings. It will also delve into bravery and Unitarianism overseas, telling the story of the Rev. Fulgence Ndadigimana’s imprisonment for his work as a UU minister, how UUs around the world came together to get … Continue reading From the UU Hysterical Society: Our final Zoom-only offering for 2021!

Exploring the Purpose of HUUF

What do the words “to nurture … to embody … and to empower …” really mean? In what ways has this purpose been a transformative agent? How is this a spiritual practice? HUUF member Berti Welty will facilitate a presentation on this Fellowship’s purpose and Bonnie MacGregor will discuss how this stated purpose can ground … Continue reading Exploring the Purpose of HUUF

Milestones on a Spiritual Journey

Join us via ZOOM: https://zoom.us/j/97569434846?pwd=a0h2elZQbzNHWmhpc2VnQno2Y1h5QT09 While a few Unitarian Universalists were raised as UUs, most have found their way to this non-creedal spiritual congregation from various religious or secular backgrounds. Today a few members will share personal stories of childhood experiences and how and why they became Unitarian Universalists. Emphasis will be placed on moments … Continue reading Milestones on a Spiritual Journey