Speaker: Bonnie MacGregor

Reimagining the 7 UU Principles – “Love is the power that holds us together:”

While this congregation has been reimagining ministry in these times, the larger Unitarian Universalist Association of congregations has begun discussing a proposal to transform the conceptual language of what we share as UU’s from shared Principles to shared Values. Whether raised a Unitarian Universalist, recently started exploring this ‘living tradition,’ or active participant, the proposed … Continue reading Reimagining the 7 UU Principles – “Love is the power that holds us together:”

A Coming Together

In October 2022 the Congregation chose to enter into a covenantal relationship with Bridgette Garuti and Amy Day, who will serve as an interim ministerial team. Bonnie MacGregor as Ministerial Relations Committee chair, Karen as a former HUUF minister, and Amy as  Director of Spiritual Life will explore what shared leadership means for the health … Continue reading A Coming Together