Author: Anna Bressers

Plastic Pollution More Serious Than You Think — What YOU Can Do

  Maggie Gainer – PLASTIC POLLUTION Presentation PLASTIC POLLUTION: More Serious Than You Think — What YOU Can Do CAC and Zero Waste Humboldt (ZWH) are jointly sponsoring this ZOOM presentation by Maggie Gainer on Wednesday, April 13, 7 pm – 8 pm. Maggie Gainer, co-founder of ZWH and a nationally recognized environmental consultant and trainer, has had many … Continue reading Plastic Pollution More Serious Than You Think — What YOU Can Do

What We Can Do to Reduce Food Waste

Reduce Food Waste Presentation HUUUF CLIMATE ACTION CAMPAIGN  – CAC is co-sponsored a Zoom presentation with Maggy Gainer & Julie Neander on March 2nd at 7 PM (see details below) In connection with this evening event, CAC recommends the following articles: “Don’t Let Consumerism Co-Opt the Zero Waste Concept”.… And, from this issue of … Continue reading What We Can Do to Reduce Food Waste

March 4th, 2022

“Don’t let anybody, anybody convince you this is the way the world is and therefore must be. It must be the way it ought to be.” ~ Toni Morrison,  The Source of Self-Regard HUUF WEEKLY ~ A Call to Connection ~ INSIDE THIS WEEKLY MISSIVE NEW! Sunday Service Announcement Religious Exploration Corner Fellowship Engagement Opportunities Climate Action Campaign Caring Connection News … Continue reading March 4th, 2022