Author: Anna Bressers

June 18th – 25th

Connect with the sun that keeps you bright and alive. Accept the fire that burns away all that you have outgrown, all that no longer serves you. Release it by using your new power, and welcome the future into your present because today is a turning point for you and for all. Say YES to the … Continue reading June 18th – 25th

June 11th- 17th

“Play builds the kind of free-and-easy, try-it-out, do-it-yourself  character, that our future needs” ~ James Hymes HUUF WEEKLY ~ A Call to Connection ~ INSIDE THIS WEEKLY MISSIVE Reflection  RE Corner  HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection HUUF Congregational Meeting HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday Virtual Green Sheet Community Bulletin ~To the Beloved Community,I had … Continue reading June 11th- 17th

June 4th – 10th

“We don’t stop playing because we grow old, we grow old because we stop playing.” ~ George Bernard Shaw HUUF WEEKLY ~ A Call to Connection ~ INSIDE THIS WEEKLY MISSIVE Reflection  RE Corner HUUF Zoom Opportunities for Connection Climate Action Campaign News A Message from UUA President HUUF Welcome Project for Rev. Farriday Virtual … Continue reading June 4th – 10th